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The Vessel by Adam Nevill review

The Vessel is a bleak and dark book but it certainly packs a punch and some of these images will stay with you after you've finished reading.

Our Protagonist, Jess, is a woman who is barely making it in this world. She's a home caregiver and has a young daughter. Her abusive ex husband keeps coming around trying to worm his way back into their lives, her boss is always demeaning her about every little mistake Jess makes, and her daughter is bullied and getting in trouble at school.

When she is assigned to take care of an old lady with dementia, things appear to get worse. The night caregiver doesn't like Jess and makes a point of letting her know that.

The old woman seems docile enough but we soon find out that she is not what she seems. The old woman will call Jess vulgar names, spit on her, and even hit her, causing Jess's eye to bruise and swell. But Jess needs this job so she can make a better life for herself and her daughter.

One day, her daughter has to come with her to the job. This changes the old lady's demeanor completely. The daughter and this woman get along immediately. The old woman smiles, holds her hand, and they whisper, laugh, and draw pictures together.

Jess is a little creeped out by this but at least the old woman isn't harming her daughter. But then she starts having horrific nightmares and can't sleep. Between the lack of rest, her daughter still getting in trouble at school, and her boss still berating her, Jess is on the edge of losing it completely.

That's all I'll say about the plot to avoid spoilers but things are going to happen. Bloody violent things. As all of these story elements come together and secrets start being revealed, we become aware that things can get worse for some but much better for others.

I love Adam Nevil's books. His folk horror is among the best and this is no different. A true gruesome, gory, and nightmare fueled book that you won't be able to put down. I highly recommend it!

Check out my full review on Horror Reads YouTube channel here.

Dave from Horror Reads

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